64 research outputs found

    Indefinities and bare nouns in generic contexts in European Portuguese

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    FR: Le principal but de ce travail est de décrire le comportement des indéfinis sans modification adjectivale en position de sujet préverbal dans des contextes génériques et de montrer leur rapport avec les noms nus en portugais européen (PE). Il est possible de signaler une différence dans la distribution des noms nus en position de sujet préverbal entre les langues germaniques et les langues romanes : l'emploi des noms comptables au pluriel et des noms massifs est grammatical en anglais, très restreint en italien, espagnol et PE, et agrammatical en français. En nous fondant sur les critères établis par Dowty (1979) pour la distinction entre événements et états et sur la distinction proposée par Cunha (2004) entre les éventualités admettant des phases et les éventualités ne les admettant pas, nous établis- sons une corrélation entre la distribution des noms nus et des indéfinis en position sujet préverbal dans le PE et différents types de prédicats. En synthétisant les étalons obtenus dans la description des données, nous combinons (suivant Duarte et al., 2002, et Oliveira et al., 2006) la valeur de chacun des prédicats considérés et la valeur respective du sujet, dans le but d'établir les propriétés des noms nus et des indéfinis en position de sujet préverbal dans le PE, notamment en ce qui concerne les contextes génériques qui les autorisent. Nous montrerons que soit les indéfinis soit les noms nus fonctionnent de façon différente dans cette position-là selon leur forme singulière ou plurielle.The main goal of this work is to describe how singular and plural indefinites without modification in preverbal subject position behave in generic contexts and how they relate to bare nouns in European Portuguese (EP) in the same position and con- texts. In what concerns the distribution of bare nouns (BN) in subject preverbal position without modifiers, a contrast between Germanic and Romance languages has been noticed: plural count nouns and mass nouns are grammatical in English, but not in French and they are quite restricted in Italian, Spanish and EP. Based on the criteria established by Dowty (1979) for distinguishing states from events and on the distinction proposed by Cunha (2004) between phase and non phase eventualities, we establish a correlation between the distribution of BN and indefinites in preverbal subject position in EP and different types of predicates. Having summarized the patterns obtained by the data description, we combine (following Duarte et al., 2002, and Oliveira et al., 2006) the predicate value of each of the considered predicates and their corresponding subject value, in order to account for the properties of the BNs and indefinites preverbal subjects in EP, namely with respect to the generic contexts that allow them. It will be showed that both indefinites and BNs behave differently in such position depending on their singular or plural form

    O uso do Pretérito Imperfeito e do Pretérito Perfeito do Indicativo em português europeu por estudantes com cantonês como L1

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo averiguar que condições de uso implicam mais desvios relativamente ao emprego do Pretérito Perfeito Simples (PPS) e do Pretérito Imperfeito (PI) por aprendentes chineses de PLE, de nível A2 (QECRL), com L1 cantonês, procurando encontrar algumas explicações para a sua ocorrência. A análise, quantitativa e qualitativa, parte do contraste entre o português e o cantonês quanto à marcação do tempo e do aspeto e descreve os desvios mais frequentes num corpus de produções escritas dos estudantes. Face a alguns resultados inesperados, procedeu-se também a uma verificação de ocorrências do Presente em vez do PPS e do PI, como forma de confirmar ou não, possíveis explicações. Os resultados indicam que não parece haver uma transferência direta do valor dos marcadores aspetuais perfetivos e imperfetivos do cantonês para a utilização do PPS e do PI ou do Presente, mas uma transferência da concetualização perfetivo/imperfetivo no cantonês, independentemente do tempo.This work aims to verify what conditions of use imply more deviations fromthe use of Pretérito Perfeito Simples (PPS) and Pretérito Imperfeito (PI) by 21Chinese learners of Portuguese, A2 level (QECRL), with Cantonese L1, and triesto find some explanations for its occurrence. The quantitative and qualitativeanalysis is based on the contrast between Portuguese and Cantonese in termsof tense and aspect and describes the most frequent deviations in a corpus ofstudents' written productions. In face of some unexpected results, an analysisof the occurrences in which the Present occurs instead of the expected PPS andthe PI was also performed, as a way of confirming or not, possible explanations.The results indicate that there does not appear to be a direct transfer of the valueof the perfect and imperfect aspect markers of Cantonese to the use of PPS andPI or the Present, but a transfer of the perfect / imperfect conceptualization inCantonese, regardless of the tense

    A fundamentação pedagógica como género de escrita na construção da profissionalidade docente

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    O modelo de formação inicial de professores de línguas implementado na Faculdade de Letras do Porto (Ellison 2007; Hurst 2010; Silva et al 2013) é desenvolvido por meio de um processo reflexivo que implica, entre outras dimensões, a escrita como estratégia para a tomada de consciência das pressuposições ou premissas subjacentes à prática letiva e às razões em que assentam as decisões durante a planificação da prática letiva. Um dos géneros de texto que circula neste âmbito é a fundamentação pedagógico-didática. Apesar das evidências empíricas de que funciona como estratégia eficaz para o desenvolvimento da consciência pedagógico-didática, a matriz discursiva deste género textual nunca foi descrita.O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a configuração global da fundamentação pedagógicodidática, com base nos parâmetros da funcionalidade, da composicionalidade e do estilo (Bakhtin 1984; Bronckart 1996, 2008). Esta descrição capta um conjunto de regularidades linguístico-discursivas (Coutinho 2004, 2014) que proporciona um melhor entendimento da natureza e do funcionamento dos textos inscritos neste género. Além da validade teórica do estudo, salienta-se a suarelevância para a melhoria da qualidade dos textos produzidos pelos estudantes em formação inicial de línguas.The model implemented for initial training of language teachers implemented atthe Faculty of Arts of University of Porto (Ellison 2007; Hurst 2010; Silva et al 2013) is developedthrough a reflective process. Such process involves, among other dimensions, writing as a strategyto improve awareness of presuppositions or assumptions underlying the teaching practice and thereasons underpinning the decisions during the planning of teaching practice. One of text genres circulating in this area is the pedagogical and didactic rationale. Despite empirical evidence of effectivenessof this rationale in the development of pedagogical-didactic awareness, tthe discursivematrix of this textual genre has never been described. This study aims to analyze the overall configurationof the pedagogical-didactic rationale, based on the parameters of functionality, compositionand style (Bakhtin 1984; Bronckart 1996, 2008). This description captures a set of linguisticdiscursiveregularities (Coutinho, 2004, 2014) that provides a better understanding of the natureand functioning of texts belonging to this genre. Besides its theoretical validity, we underline alsothe relevance of this study in improving the quality of the texts produced by language teachersduring initial training

    Mecanismos de atenuação e intensificação no ensino-aprendizagem do português como língua estrangeira

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    O trabalho apresentado é o resultado de um projeto de investigação-ação efetuado no âmbito do Mestrado em Português Língua Segunda/Língua Estrangeira na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, e consiste na apresentação de resultados decorrentes de um caso em estudo centrado no ensino-aprendizagem de mecanismos de atenuação e intensificação, efetuado numa turma de nível C (QECR). Este projeto de investigação-ação teve como objetivos fazer uma exploração linguístico-pragmática da atenuação e da intensificação, e, de seguida, proceder a uma fundamentação pedagógico-didática dos dois mecanismos no âmbito do ensino do Português Língua Estrangeira, e, por fim, implementar em sala de aula um plano de ação decorrente da investigação efetuada. Os resultados obtidos permitiram verificar uma aplicação correta e eficaz dos mecanismos de atenuação e intensificação por parte dos aprendentes quer na escrita, quer na oralidade, além da utilização de diferentes tipos destes mecanismos que, consequentemente, resultaram em termos globais num desenvolvimento da competência comunicativa.The present work is the result of an action research project made under the Portuguese as a Foreign Language Master's in FLUP, and consists on the presentation of results arising from a case study centered on the teaching-learning of attenuation and intensification mechanisms, made in a level Cclass. This action research project aimed at making a pragmatic-linguistic exploration of attenuation and intensification, then, to make a pedagogical-didactic of the two mechanisms under Portuguese as a Foreign Language teaching, and, lastly, to implement on classroom an action plan arising from the research conducted.The results obtained in this work showed a correct and effective application of the attenuation and intensification mechanisms by the learners either in writing or in oral, besides the use of different kinds of these mechanisms that, consequently, resulted in an overall development of communicative competence

    Developing a multilayer semantic annotation scheme based on ISO standards for the visualization of a newswire corpus

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    In this paper, we describe the process of developing a multilayer semantic annotation scheme designed for extracting information from a European Portuguese corpus of news articles, at three levels, temporal, referential and semantic role labelling. The novelty of this scheme is the harmonization of parts 1, 4 and 9 of the ISO 24617 Language resource management - Semantic annotation framework. This annotation framework includes a set of entity structures (participants, events, times) and a set of links (temporal, aspectual, subordination, objectal and semantic roles) with several tags and attribute values that ensure adequate semantic and visual representations of news stories

    The LMOOC4SLAV Project: Academic Discourse for Academic Mobility

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    studies in another country using a second language (L2) they know with a proficiency level B1/B2. A path to facilitate a successful mobility exchange, as well as students' inclusion in a multicultural and multilingual environment through innovative learning and teaching practices offering educational models to modernize and internationalize the higher education system, and to place European training experiences on the global training scene through Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are some of the main priorities of the LMOOC4Slav - Romance Languages for Slavic-speaking University Students, an Erasmus+ funded project (2021-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000027501). Although not exclusively, its primary target audience consists of university students, mainly with Slavic languages as their mother tongue (L1), learning Romance languages, specifically Italian and Portuguese, who intend to do a mobility period at a university in Portugal or Italy, and also native Slavicspeaking teachers who teach Portuguese and Italian as L2 to those students. The project centres around the production of two Language MOOCS (LMOOCs), one for Italian and the other for Portuguese, organised in six modules. The aim is to promote students' development of linguistic fluency in academic contexts and access to authentic academic situations and learning tools to enhance their ability to learn how to learn. It also focuses on developing a repertoire of Open Educational Resources (OERs) intended for Slavic language teachers and students of Portuguese and Italian as L2. These resources will allow their reuse in different learning environments, guided by an online pedagogical guide for integrating LMOOCs and OERs. The project outputs will remain available in an open-source repository after its end ensuring its sustainability

    Semi-automatic approaches for exploiting shifter patterns in domain-specific sentiment analysis

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    This paper describes two different approaches to sentiment analysis. The first is a form of symbolic approach that exploits a sentiment lexicon together with a set of shifter patterns and rules. The sentiment lexicon includes single words (unigrams) and is developed automatically by exploiting labeled examples. The shifter patterns include intensification, attenuation/downtoning and inversion/reversal and are developed manually. The second approach exploits a deep neural network, which uses a pre-trained language model. Both approaches were applied to texts on economics and finance domains from newspapers in European Portuguese. We show that the symbolic approach achieves virtually the same performance as the deep neural network. In addition, the symbolic approach provides understandable explanations, and the acquired knowledge can be communicated to others. We release the shifter patterns to motivate future research in this direction

    O relato de discurso como estratégia de desenvolvimento da competência oral no ensino-aprendizagem de Português Língua Estrangeira

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    Este artigo centra-se na abordagem do relato de discurso enquanto estratégia de desenvolvimento da competência oral de aprendentes de Português Língua Estrangeira (PLE), tendo por base o trabalho desenvolvido no estágio pedagógico numa turma de nível de avançado, no âmbito do Mestrado em Português Língua Segunda/Língua Estrangeira da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto. O ensino-aprendizagem do relato de discurso oral espontâneo, proveniente, maioritariamente, das interações quotidianas, prevê uma análise que vai para além do plano linguístico e discursivo, o que torna essencial descodificar aspetos para-linguísticos e extralinguísticos que envolvem igualmente competências sociolinguísticas e pragmáticas. Partindo da descrição deste fenómeno linguístico-discursivo, apresentamos o projeto desenvolvido, pormenorizando algumas propostas de operacionalização didática do relato de discurso a partir de documentos autênticos, com base numa abordagem metodológica comunicativa. Os resultados da implementação do plano de intervenção pedagógico-didática realizado mostram que este tipo de abordagem é eficaz no desenvolvimento da competência oral dos aprendentes.This paper focuses on the usefulness of reported speech as a strategy to develop the oral competence of learners of Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PLE). It describes an action research work done with a C level class of PLE into the Master of Portuguese as Second Language/Foreigner Language of the Faculty of Arts - University of Porto. The teaching and learning process of spontaneous oral speech report mostly collected from daily interactions revealed that it is essential to decode paralinguistic and extralinguistic aspects that go far beyond the linguistic-discursive level. Apart from the study of the language, the study showed that is essential to know and understand the cultural aspects involving the speech production as a whole. We start by describing that linguistic-discursive phenomenon and by presenting the action research project, detailing some reported speech didactic proposals based on authentic documents, designed using a methodological communicative approach. The results show that the implementation of this type of approach is effective in developing learners' oral competence